Welcome to
Nanofluidics Laboratory
Research Group of Dr. Kalyan Raidongia

Research Interest
Environmental energy harvesting
Energy crisis and climate emergency are the major concerns of the current century. We believe that the best way to tackle both these problems simultaneously is the decentralization of energy generation. Instead of producing in large plants and sending through the grids, a variety of smaller devices can be employed to generate energy where it will be used. However, it would require numerous ways of generating sustainable energy. We are exploring here different ways to extract energy from the environment.

Fabrication of smart materials
As society moves towards more and more automation in the areas like health, safety, economic production, and space technology, the search for new materials that can morph in a desirable manner has become a distinct priority. Nature produces a plethora of such materials in order to accomplish various biological tasks, and offer persistent inspirations to design and manufacture artificial smart materials. Our group aim for fabricating eco-friendly, cost-effective, and naturally abandoned responsive materials with high sensitivity.
Energy from flowing water

Light responsive smart material

Blue energy harvesting through RED

Pressure-Responsive Power Generator

Robotic arm for exquisite chemical transferring

Solvent responsive Smart worm

Water Treatment

"The wars of the future will be fought over water". Access to clean water and global warming are the two sides of the same coin. Sustainable energy and eco-friendly ways of purifying water are the topmost priorities of our group.